وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۖ وَإِلَى اللَّهِ الْمَصِيرُ
Ahmed Ali
For God's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and the returning is to God.
Ahmed Raza Khan
And for Allah only is the kingship of the heavens and the earth; and towards Allah is the return.
To God belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Him is the homecoming.
for, God’s is the dominion over the heavens and the earth, and with God is all journeys’ end.
And Allah's is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah is the return.
Hilali & Khan
And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the return (of all).
ClearQuran - God
To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to God is the ultimate return.
ClearQuran - Allah
To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the ultimate return.
Community - God
To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to God is the final return.
Community - Allah
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the final return.
To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allah is the final return.
The kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone, and all shall have to return to Him.
And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the return.
And unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah is the journeying.
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and toward Allah is the destination.
Qaribullah & Darwish
To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. To Him is the arrival.
Saheeh International
And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the destination.
To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Him do all things return.
And Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the eventual coming.
Walillahi mulku alssamawati waalardi waila Allahi almaseeru
Transliteration 2
walillahi mul'ku l-samāwāti wal-arḍi wa-ilā l-lahi l-maṣīru
Wahiduddin Khan
To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to God shall all things return.
Yusuf Ali
Yea, to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah is the final goal (of all).